Who we are

Trade coffe was born in the province of Salerno, a stone’s throw from Amalfi Coast.

Our company has gained over 20 years of experience in the import and export of foodstuff. In the last years, the company has focused its attention on raw coffee, from all origins. We buy coffee directly from the greatest farms located all over the world. Today it is a benchmark for italian roaster companies.

The large variety of products is selected and analyzed in our tasting laboratory.
The large range of coffee stored in our warehouses, near the port of Salerno, allows us to supply regularly our customers.
lavorazione del caffè verde



Central-South America


Colombia Supremo 18
Colombia Supremo 18 Huila san Miguel
Colombia Excelso la Flor
Guatemala S.H.B.
Guatemala S.H.B. Miramar 19/20
Guatemala S.H.B. Huehuetenango
Honduras SHG
Honduras SHG 19
Nicaragua SHG 19
El Salvador Terramar SHG
Brasile Genuino Bourbon 17/18 5 stelle
Brasile Ny2 19 coop. Guaxupe’ FC
Brasile Santos Pinhal Unico
Brasile ny2/3 17/18 SS


Mesico Lavato
Guatemala Lavato



India Plantation a
India Palntation AA


India kaapy Royal AA
India Parchement AB
India Cherry AA 18
India Cherry A 17
India Cherry AB 15
India Cherry PB
Java Wib MB
Java ap 1
Vietnam 18 WP Blu Dragon
Vietnam 18 Wet Polished
Vietnam 16 Wet Polished
Vietnam 18 Clean
Vietnam 16 Clean


Etiopia Harrar GR 4
Kopi Lukak Arabica Lavado (Sacchi 20 KG)
Nepal Everest Supremo
Panamà alto Jaramillo Geisha Dona Elvira
Jamaica Blue Montain GR1 18 (Barili 15 KG)
Hawai Maui Fancy Criba 18 (Sacchi 45 KG)
Australia Skybury Extra Fancy 18 (Sacchi 20 KG)
Cuba Serrano Arabica Lavado
Costa Rica Tarrazu Tirra Honey Amarillo la Hacienda Cafetalera
Costa Rica Tarrazu tirra Honey Cafè Mujeres
Kenia top quality AA 18 Massai
Sumatra Mandheling GR1 Talang
Papù a New Guinea Plantation sigari AA 18
Etiopia Sidamo GR2 Mocca Adey
Burundi ARB Lavado Kibira
Ruanda ARB Lavado Ingagi
Costa Rica Tarrazu SHB La Pastora
Costa Rica Cafè Mujeres Tarrazu SHB
Nicaragua Jinotega SHG 17/18 Colibrì Azul
Guatemala Genuino Antigua SHB Pastoral
Honduras Pacamara
Nicaragua Maragogype Extra Superior
Colombia Caracolillo Gama



Uganda Bugisu AA
Kenya 17/18
Ethiopia Sidamo gr 2
Ethiopia Dijimmah gr 5


Cameroun 18/20 GG
Congo HTM/N/M
Costa d’Avorio gr1
Tanzania 16 sup.
Uganda 18
Uganda 15


Brasile NY 2/3 17/18 FC
Colombia Excelso


Uganda 18 dec
India Cherry AA
Vietnam 18


Chairman & ceo: Raffaele Aversa

email: info@en.tradecoffee.it

Mobile: +39 3938391753


Commercial Manager: Dr. Massimo Aversa

email: m.aversa@en.tradecoffee.it

Mobile: +39 3453332908


Financial Manager: Dr Matteo Romano

email finance@en.tradecoffee.it

Mobile +39 347 7919592


Back Office: Rosaria Paolicelli

email: trade@en.tradecoffee.it

Mobile: +39 089 9846007